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This long-day program operates from 7am - 6pm. Children are aged between 3-5 years old. 

The Warradhaa Room has a maximum of 20 children per day with two educators in the room at all times and a flexi educator that relives staff breaks and programming times.


The Warradhaa Room use a daily routine that reflects the longer hour days. The routine is flexible and can be adjusted based on the children’s needs.

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The children are provided with age appropriate and interest-based experiences that extend on the children’s current interests and learning needs. Each child in the Warradhaa Room has a documented learning journey of the year which is displayed in a learning journal. The Room leader spends time reflecting on each child multiple times throughout the year and creates opportunities for each child to develop their individual needs and interests. These learning goals are linked to and influenced by the National Quality Standards and the Early Years Learning Framework.


Within the planned program the Room leader will provide experiences for children who will attend school the following year to develop school readiness skills e.g., name recognition, shape recognition, pencil grip, scissor skills etc. based on recommendations from local schools. 


The Warradhaa Room is a fun and energetic room that encourages all children to be their best selves and try new things to grow and become confident and resilient young people within the local Parkes Community. 

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