The short-day program provides education and care for 20 children. The children range, in age, from 3 to 5 years.
The Gulumba is a play-based program, centred around the interests and developmental needs of each child, is completed by a qualified Teacher and implemented, along with 2 qualified educators and Inclusion support educators.
The Gulumba teacher and educators are guided by the concepts of the National Quality Framework and the principles, practices and outcomes of The Early Years Learning Framework of Australia, V2.0, 2022.

Play-based learning approaches allow for different types of play and recognise the intentional roles that both children and educators may take in children’s learning. In play experiences, children integrate their emotions, thinking, and motivation that assists to strengthen brain functioning. They exercise their agency, intentionality, capacity to initiate and lead learning, and their right to participate in decisions that affect them, including their learning. (‘Practices’ – The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia- V2.0,2022)

A sense of belonging and wellbeing, is achieved through developing meaningful relationships. In the Gulumba room, children have time to be in the ‘here and now’ and to make meaning of the world around them. Being recognises how important the present, and the past is in the lives of children, together, with the understanding, that the early childhood years are not solely preparation for the future. Children’s agency, as well as guidance, care and teaching by families (who are recognised as children’s first teachers) and educators, shape children’s experiences of becoming.

Every day, there are experiences that promote learning for life and this is achieved through providing children with opportunities for conversation, collaboration, creativity and curiosity while developing an appreciation of what it means to be a part of the PECC community and the World, within a culturally safe and secure environment.